Horacios Biographie “Confessions of a Male Bellydancer”
Horacio´s Biography
“Confessions of a Male Bellydancer”
From Colombia to Spain, Poland, the US and Germany – the life of a dancer through good and bad times, trial and error, inspiration, dedication, revelation.
Warning: this is a book that you will find hard to put down! Thrilling stories, lots of fabulous fotos.
Preis / Price: $14.99*
The Land of Hope
Children´s Book in three languages
The Land of Hope started as an idea anda piece of white fabric. During his time as a soloist in the San Francisco Ballet Horacio Cifuentes worked on it approximately 10 000 hours from 1976 until 1985. It always accompanied him on tour in airplanes and during rehearsals in the dance room or even in the backstage in the Opera House of San Francisco.
In Berlin he created a book to match the needle painting which tells the story of little Pepito who would like very much to be bigger.
Translation into German: Beata Cifuentes
Translation to Japanese; Mirei Nishimura
Preis / Price: 9,90€*
Vegane Rezepte – Vegan Cook Book – Cucina Vegana
” My kitchen is my Church” -my favorite recipes, meine Lieblingsrezepte, mi Recette Preferiti
in English, Deutsch and Italian
Bon Appetit!!
110 Seiten, 64 leckere Rezepte für ein gesundes Leben. 110 pages, 64 delicious recipes for a healthy happy life style.
Preis / Price: 14,95€ zzgl. Versandkosten